Sociology as a discipline gives you a completely new view of your world, asking questions you never thought to ask as you practice your sociological imagination, or the ability to step back from your everyday life in order to see things anew. Part of the sociological imagination involves learning about how many of the categories and ideas we take for granted are socially constructed.
In Introduction to Sociology, you'll begin to develop that sociological imagination through a survey of all the topics we can think about sociologically--interaction, institutions, deviance, social change, race, gender and sexuality. Once you've had Introduction to Sociology (SOC 164) you've fulfilled the prerequisite for every other sociology course. So if you want to know more about gender, take Sociology of Gender (SOC 228). If you really liked learning about how sociologists do research, you might try Research Methods (SOC 320). If deviance is your thing, try Deviance and Social Control (SOC 217).
After Introduction to Sociology, majors are required to take four more classes: Research Methods (SOC 320), Sociological Theory (SOC 330), at least one inequality course (you get to pick!) and Senior Seminar (SOC 461) or Senior Thesis (SOC 471).